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train in  Barcelona


Is your son or daughter born between 2011 and 2015? Are you living in or visiting Barcelona in 2024? Then on Sundays, we can offer training with our Spanish academy and our local coaches from Barcelona!

The training sessions take place on Sundays from 17:00 to 18:00 near the beach in central Barcelona!

Price per session: €35
Spots per session: 5


So does it work

During a typical training session, there are approximately 25 players divided into two age groups: one group born between 2011 and 2013, and another group born between 2014 and 2015. We do also have one group just for beginners.

Number of spots: To ensure the best possible training experience, we only accept 5 new players each sessions. 

Our requirements:
All players participating in our training sessions must wear CS Academy gear. T-shirts and hoodies are available for purchase at €49 or can be borrowed on-site. All players must bring black socks and shorts.

We train in Bogatell

The training sessions take place in the Bogatell area near the beach in Barcelona. We offer training every Sunday  from 17:00 to 18:00.

Please register using the form below.


Please register using the form below. You won’t pay anything now; instead, we’ll send you an invoice for payment by card within 10 days.

Price: €35 per session.
Number of spots: 5 per session.
As long as registration is open for a session, there are spots available.